Табулатура в формате Guitar Pro , содержащая следующие дорожки:

Scott (Lead Vocal)
Brass Section

Duff (Vocals)
Lead 4 (chiff]

Lead 5 (charang]

Slash (Solos and Licks)
Electric Guitar (muted]

Slash (Lead)
Electric Guitar (muted]

Dave (Rhytm)
Overdriven Guitar

Duff (Bass)
Electric Bass (finger]

Matt (Drums)
I wan-na be your man-child Let's all go it hog-wild She said I'll see you la-ter I al-ways gra-vi-tate to her Let's all meet at the station No hea-vy con-cent-ra-tion We could all hook up there The kids are all all-right there Should we go out la-ter Show-time for stran-gers Dont-cha give a fuck a-ny-more now She's gi-vin up on you now Do it for the kids they say It ain't a-bout you a-ny way I say we're all grown up now And sex ain't so safe now It's all in the groove they say Does-n't mat-ter a-ny way Should we go out la-ter Show-time for stran-gers Should we go out la-ter Show-time for stran-gers Keep me run-nin like a deer in the head-lights All for not-hing I thought Just the ran-som I had bought A-bout the day I try-ed to tame her Ne-ver tried to blame her Just a game that I had bought Let's all meet at the station No hea-vy con-cent-ra-tion The kids are all all-right there Should we go out la-ter Show-time for stran-gers Should we go out la-ter Show-time for stran-gers Should we go out la-ter Show-time for stran-gers Should we go out la-ter Show-time for stran-gers